Natalie Naor & Celia Johnston
Medieval Latin Transcription #1
March 12, 2015 01:18
Natalie Naor & Celia Johnston Final Transcription
Note: We couldn't input line-break code for the marginalia as we would have to implement a separate set of line numbers independent from the main body of the text. Instead we used the expand code to insert dashes.
April 11, 2015 02:04
Initial Translation: Natalie Naor & Celia Johnston.
Medieval Latin 2015
April 23, 2015 00:39
Natalie Naor & Celia Johnston: Final Translation/Transcription
Translation Note: In the very first phrase we have included the word "rest" in parenthesis as even though it is not included on our manuscript folio we believe it was at the end of the previous one.
Transcription Note: Because of the way our marginalia are set up, we cannot include line breaks without setting up an new sequence of line numbers independent from the rest of the transcription. As a temporary fix we have treated each margin section as one big word and have "expanded" each word when appropriate with a dash to denote a line break.
May 05, 2015 02:54